by erseka | Nov 28, 2016 | sweets, tasty
Ingrediente: cremă: 500ml frișcă 100g ciocolata albă 1 cutie raffaello 1 cutie compot piersici sau 500g piersici * fulgi cocos – doar pentru ornare blat: din 4 ouă/făină/zahăr 150ml sirop de la compotul de piersici/suc de piersici Mod preparare: se topește...
by erseka | Mar 31, 2016 | hands-on, projects, tutorial
Blog Artist Blog Follow FollowFollowFollowFollow Subscribe Success! Email Subscribe cucumber and lemon soap by erseka | Mar 31, 2016 | hands-on, projects, tutorialBlog Artist Blog Follow facebooktwitterinstagrampinterestSubscribe xyz Let's Get Started Need Custom...
by erseka | Mar 3, 2016 | hands-on, projects, tutorial
I love colors, so I always try to obtain a hue as intense as possible in my soaps. Take note that I’m not going to use any ingredients that are artificially produced. So I only look what nature has to offer. Most of the oils will give you a final color that...
by erseka | Feb 3, 2016 | tutorial
Here’s some stuff that I’ve learned during my soap making adventures that you might find useful. The lye solution: it can be made out of water, tea, fruit juice, milk, coffee or any other liquid that you consider proper for the soap in order to avoid...
by erseka | Jan 12, 2016 | tutorial
As I have mentioned before, I’ve started reading, studying and experimenting with soap making because I care about what I’m using for my child’s hygiene and because I know that dirty will be the daily norm once he starts walking and exploring. For a...