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erseka’s tryouts


olive soap

As I have mentioned before, I've started reading, studying and experimenting with soap making because I care about what I'm using for my child's hygiene and because I know that dirty will be the daily norm once he starts walking and exploring. For a child's first...

Xmas nuts

I have to thank my grandmother for spending a lot of time with me and my curiosity when I was a kid. Most of my crafting knowledge and skills I have because of her, and I am very thankful that she's always fueled my creativity. To hang a nut in a Xmas tree is easy,...

paste cu mozzarela

Ingrediente: 250g penne 1 cană roşii cerry 1 buc. ardei gras 1 buc. ceapă medie/mică 1 buc. căţel de usturoi 2 buc. crenguţe de busuioc 1 EL măsline negre(sau mai multe, după gust) 1 buc. bulgăre de mozzarela Mod preparare: roşiile tăiate în două şi ardeii bucăţele se...


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